
Terry R. Grier

Date Night!

Published about 1 year ago • 3 min read

March 12, 2023
Cedar Park, Texas

"I am loving my flip and the readjustment to that life.
Funny how I was dupped into thinking life required a smartphone." - Email Comment from someone on this list.


"Screw You, I am from Texas" - I heard myself singing.

Last night was date night. I am always on the lookout for tickets or events months in advance to put a stake in the ground for a date night to happen. Sometimes they work out wonderfully, like last night and others times they are just ok. Rarely are they horrible.

That is ingredient #1 in a successful date night - serendipity

Date nights are baking not cooking.

You need a recipe but being open to things in the moment and adjusting rather than resisting is what makes it.

Sometimes life gives you a wonderful time and others they are just ok. Maybe I will share my full recipe for a successful date night if you are interested.

Last night was Texas legend Ray Willie Hubbard.

If you are not familiar with his music it is a mash up of irreverent story telling layered on top of folk rock - Texas style. He is 76 and his son plays lead guitar with him. His song "Screw You, We're from Texas" is a prime example of his

Before the concert Vickie and I were having dinner at a place we like to go. It was Saturday night and the only seats were at the bar so we sat there since we were on a timeline to get to the show.

That placed me in close proximity to other people. So I decided to do an informal survey while my wife went to ladies room.

I watched 3 guys all talk to each other but each were staring at their smartphone the whole time. Their conversation was disjointed.

I watched servers at the drink station checking their smartphones.

I took a quick survey and 90% of the people in the place were looking at their phone or had one on the table next to them.

Why? WTF?

Sidebar - 1 of the ingredients of a successful date night is to not carry a phone (dumb or smart) or at least always leave it in the car.

When I talk with people who are struggling with their smartphone. Their first reaction is to get a dumbphone. That was mine too. But the longer I am exploring and learning - I think there is a better first step.

Go into the world without a phone at all.

Just run some errands. Go put gas in the car. Leave the house without a phone. When you get back, get to a pen and paper (before looking at your phone and record your thoughts and feelings)

It all starts with awareness followed by telling ourselves the truth.

This is a comment I found on a group on Reddit

Some days I spend 10 hours just mindlessly scrolling Reddit, YouTube and the internet. I hate it. It makes me miserable. I suffer with my mental health and as such I don’t work. That makes it so much easier to just lay in bed with my phone all day. I know the things I should be doing to make myself feel better but I keep telling myself “I’ll do better tomorrow. "

Do you feel the pain?

We all know that tomorrow never gets here because we only live in the now.

Can you imagine the sense of aloneness that you drive you to Reddit looking for help? All the while you are spending hours texting with "friends"?

More is not the answer.

Technology is a doubled-edged sword. Technology giveth and taketh away and not always in equal measure.

Why do we defend digital technology so strongly? If you mention cutting back or the harm that smartphones are doing to our culture, people will defend the positive and the advantages of smartphone.

No one denies what the smartphone is capable of. But everyone is in denial of the harms it is doing to us as a society and a world.

If you are out there and are struggling. You are not alone.

I am here if you would like to discuss your current situation.

Your friend




I am looking to interview people that implemented a plan for their digital life. If you are interested in talking with me on camera - hit reply and I can help set that up. Your time and story helps people more than you might know.

Terry R. Grier

Alcohol Free After Fifty

There is an enemy in your mind. A voice that that is relentless. Telling you to drink. I help you overcome that voice and set yourself free to live a life beyond your dreams.

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