
Terry R. Grier

What Do you Want to Drink?

Published 11 months ago • 2 min read


"What Would You like to Drink?"

Do you have an answer for this question?

I did not for a long time.

In my early days of not drinking I face a difficult moment when was going to events. (not bars, not sitting at the bar at my favorite restaurant .) When I was invited to a backyard BBQ and the host would welcome me they would then ask.....

"What Would You like to Drink?"

I fumbled through this answer so many times. I want to offer some insight that might help you not experience what I did.

If you have read through my guide you know that is it better to have your mind made up before you even get to the party that you will not drink alcohol. 

Next you want to have an answer when they ask you what you want to drink.

If you do not have your answer or want to improve your process then get ready to take notes for your sober toolbox.

I am going to help you with that right now.

 But first, let me share how I handled it.

 Host: Q: "What you would you like to drink?"

 Me: Well I am not drinking right now, not sure how long I will do this no drinking thing but right now I am taking a break. I do not have a problem or anything, just been reading some things on the internet etc...

 Host: So would you like some water or we have some other things too ... (feeling awkward now)

 Me:  Yes, a diet soda would be great.

Lesson 1. You owe no one an explanation. Just be cool. You feel like you are sticking out like CRAZY cause you are not drinking, but I assure you 99% or more of the people there are so wrapped up in their own heads they do not even think twice. And if one of your friends gives you shit, and I mean real shit over and over. Make a note and dial down that friendship for the next 3-6 months.

Lesson 2 The host did not ask me why. She asked WHAT would I like to drink. Learn to be a good listener. Answer the question.

Here is how to learn to answer the question directly and with confidence.

Write down on an index card your answers. Have 3 of them. Here are mine.

Pick one of the three and say it out loud at least 20x. Just do it.

Then the morning of your event sit with your morning coffee/tea and role play this scenario in your head in detail.

If you do this will be prepared and project confidence when you arrive.

Always remember,

Never Give Up on Yourself. Never.

Terry Grier

PS. Here is a video I made that shows me role playing how to ask for a drink. I hope it helps.

PS. Next Step is a free discovery call. Here is the Link

Youtube | Podcast | Free Guide How to Quit Alcohol

Terry R. Grier

Alcohol Free After Fifty

There is an enemy in your mind. A voice that that is relentless. Telling you to drink. I help you overcome that voice and set yourself free to live a life beyond your dreams.

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