
Terry R. Grier

Water Pump

Published 11 months ago • 2 min read


I saw the red light.

It was on the dashboard of my car. Not good.

It took me a couple of minutes to figure out what the red light was trying to tell me. It was a icon of some sort and less helpful than "Check Engine". At least with the message "check engine" I have a direction to look.

Spoiler: It was the water pump.

Confession: I have a 2000 Saturn SL1. It is our second car, a distant second. Long story short, my wife really does not drive. Sure, she is on our insurance, has a drivers license but she drives many four times a year. Our daily driver is a cliché Ford F-150. (Texas)

I maintain the Saturn because it has life let to give.

When I started dating Vickie in 2003 she was driving this Saturn. It has been in the family ever since.

Over the years, I learned how to work on it and at 23 years and 155,000 miles it still runs and is reliable. It also get 36 miles to the gallon on the highway and I use it to a couple of times a month when I go to Houston or San Antonio.

A new water pump was $26. The instructions on how to change it were free thanks to a YouTube video. Estimated time of repair was 4 hours.

Well about 2 hours into this project I realized I needed help. There were two bolts that I did not have the tools for or the experience to get access too so I called a friend.

Chris came by the next afternoon and we had the whole thing done in less than an hour. My old friend was up and running again.

Sometimes You Need Help and That is Ok

I spent two years struggling to let go of alcohol. I started and stopped more times that I can count.

Once I accepted that me and alcohol had to change I adopted a mantra "never give up. never."

At first, I was not ready to accept total abstinence was the right answer but I knew I could not continue my current path on the elevator that only went down. How far down I did not know but I did not want to wait around any longer to find out.

In that two year process I started to build a set a tools and processes that led me up and back to my life and to a connection with the real me.

Now, I did not know that was what I was doing in the day to day of those two years. There were times I was just using the tools in front of me (pen and paper) to try to work on my problems. But as I reflect and read back through my journals I saw the process emerge.

I want to be your friend and share my tools. Maybe I can help provide some insights and stand with you while we work on your life together.

I can bring to you my toolbox and we can work on shortening the time it takes.

That is why I wrote my free guide "How to Quit Alcohol, without labels or meetings". It is my roadmap out.

If you want to discuss my process and how it can apply to your situation - schedule a free 30 minute discovery call with me.

I look forward to seeing your name in my inbox.

Always remember,

Never Give Up on Yourself. Never.

Terry Grier

PS. Next time I will teach you have to start building out your own toolbox.

PS #2. Next Step is a free discovery call. Here is the Link

PS #3 I started a podcast. Short daily messages designed to help you get from Day 1 - Day 365 in your journey.

Youtube | Podcast | Free Guide How to Quit Alcohol

Terry R. Grier

Alcohol Free After Fifty

There is an enemy in your mind. A voice that that is relentless. Telling you to drink. I help you overcome that voice and set yourself free to live a life beyond your dreams.

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