
Terry R. Grier

Alcohol Free After Fifty

There is an enemy in your mind. A voice that that is relentless. Telling you to drink. I help you overcome that voice and set yourself free to live a life beyond your dreams.

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Saturday 9:42amCedar Park, Texas Reader I had tears in my eyes. The emotions came up like a spring that pieced the surface of the ground. It does not happen that often but when it does it is both overwhelming and I know it is a sign that I need to pay attention too. For the last 18 months I have put my focus on translating my sobriety journey into a guide that could help others break the cycle of addiction. It has been the second most difficult project I have ever worked on. The first being...

10 months ago • 1 min read

Reader I was at my neighborhood pool this week and the kids (junior high age) were playing on the diving board. This is an old school city park pool and the diving board is pretty legit. Anyway they were doing something I found very curious. In kid parlance there is a dive called "walking the plank". At least that what it was called when I was a kid 40 years ago. You can guess what this looks like. The person whose turn it is walks off the diving board. The “joke” is that your last step is a...

10 months ago • 1 min read

Reader "What Would You like to Drink?" Do you have an answer for this question? I did not for a long time. In my early days of not drinking I face a difficult moment when was going to events. (not bars, not sitting at the bar at my favorite restaurant .) When I was invited to a backyard BBQ and the host would welcome me they would then ask..... "What Would You like to Drink?" I fumbled through this answer so many times. I want to offer some insight that might help you not experience what I...

10 months ago • 2 min read

Reader I saw the red light. It was on the dashboard of my car. Not good. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out what the red light was trying to tell me. It was a icon of some sort and less helpful than "Check Engine". At least with the message "check engine" I have a direction to look. Spoiler: It was the water pump. Confession: I have a 2000 Saturn SL1. It is our second car, a distant second. Long story short, my wife really does not drive. Sure, she is on our insurance, has a drivers...

10 months ago • 2 min read

Reader I grew up in south Louisiana. It was a blessing and a curse. The culture there is unlike any other place in the world. Laissez faire is the feeling of the day. Allow to do is the literal meaning. But generally it means accepting an attitude of letting things take their own course. Let the people do as they choose. It is a great feeling to live in that culture. The Music The Food The Good Times A consequence of this culture is that it revolves around alcohol. Every event has alcohol....

10 months ago • 2 min read

Sunday 8:58 amCedar Park, Texas Friend. It does exist. A place that is beautiful. A place you love to wake up too. A place where you feel free from addictions. It is real. It does exist. I am here now. Sure, life still happens. Bad things still happen. Stress is still a real thing. But here but you are able to deal with life without a fog or sense of numbness that only delays the problems we all face. The problem is your addiction. You can heal from this and move forward to this new place....

11 months ago • 2 min read

Sunday 6:26 PMCedar Park, Texas Dear Friend. I rode a train this week. Well it was our small commuter rail line. But it was one of the reasons I bought our home in the suburbs of Austin, because we are only a couple of miles from the park and ride station which gives us access to the train and several bus lines. The train dropped me off on time but I did not realize I had a 1 mile walk to my lunch at the Hyatt in downtown Austin. But it was a lovely walk. It was an appreciation lunch for the...

12 months ago • 2 min read

I knew I was going to be late. Today was my 16 year wedding anniversary. I had a reservation at the hottest French bistro in town. I was dressed. I had my gift. I was ready to go pick up my bride from her work. Then it happened. My phone started ringing and it was my best client calling. I took the call. The good news is that there was not a lot of action required with this call. It was more of a venting frustration with an audit process. I am insurance agent by day. I broke my rule and put...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read

Terry Grier 6:30 am CSTCedar Park, Texas “You use cash? You put real $ into envelopes?” This was a conversation I was having with a new friend of mine Yvonne - She is on this email list - and she learned and implemented a strategy on how to get herself and her family out of debt and into the black. The changes she made changed her life forever. I was giving push back in my mind. Cash? In 2023? How do you buy something on Amazon? This week I interviewed a 32 year old woman who is 5’5 and...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read

11:34amMarch 12, 2023Cedar Park, Texas "I am loving my flip and the readjustment to that life. Funny how I was dupped into thinking life required a smartphone." - Email Comment from someone on this list. Reader "Screw You, I am from Texas" - I heard myself singing. Last night was date night. I am always on the lookout for tickets or events months in advance to put a stake in the ground for a date night to happen. Sometimes they work out wonderfully, like last night and others times they are...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read
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